Friday 14 June 2013

Our trip to London took nearly two weeks, this is our story.

We flew on a big plane to Auckland the day before ANZAC Day.  The journey took four hours.  When we arrived, my Godparents Aunty Cindy and Uncle Darren picked us up.  We stayed for four days in their old house that was being renovated! 

 Mummy, Alex, Uncle Darren
 and I in the tree-house.

Cindy and Darren's house has a really cool tree-house in their backyard. Alex, Darren and I liked to play "Star Wars" in the Tree-house.

A view of Auckland
 -see if you can pick the volcanoes!!

We did lots of interesting things during our four days in Auckland. The city of Auckland has about 50 inactive volcanoes.  Scientists call them sleeping giants.  We visited a Māori fort on top of one of the volcanoes. 

James at the Māori fort at the top of
a volcano. 


The next day we went to a place called MOTAT, this stands for Museum of Transport and Technology.  We went to MOTAT on ANZAC day and there were lots Armed forces displays.  They had a huge science display and an old-fashioned pioneer village.  We also had a ride on an old-fashioned tram from Melbourne, Australia.  It was the very tram that my dad rode to school everyday!

At the entrance of MOTAT - James with Daddy,
Alex, Aunty Cindy and Uncle Darren
James and Alex "driving" a train at MOTAT.
At MOTAT riding and old-fashioned tram
from Melbourne, Australia!!!!!!!!

James and Alex in stocks at MOTAT

Testing out experiments at the huge science display at MOTAT

One of our days in Auckland, we went to an awesome outdoor playground and I rode on a huge flying fox and pushed Alex around on a train!  The same day we also went to a place called "Big Ups".  This was a huge indoor playground made of inflatable play equipment.  My favourite thing to do was "Zorbing".  This was rolling around in a giant, inflatable ball.

Fun at an Auckland playground

James and Alex "Zorbing" at Big Ups!!!

Uncle Darren and James jousting!!!

Our flight from Auckland to Vancouver (in Canada) was our longest trip!  It went for 13 hours and seemed to take forever!  We watched lots of movies and played lots of games.  I didn't sleep at all, because the plane was very noisy.  Alex screamed "I want to go back Australia" while everybody was asleep.  It was very embarrassing!  When we arrived in Vancouver I was very tired.  When we got out of customs, we caught a limousine to the Sheraton Hotel because a regular taxi couldn't fit our luggage!
Riding in a limousine from Vancouver airport to our hotel!

We only had two nights and one day in Vancouver.  We spent our day resting and looking around Vancouver.  It was a big, pretty city with lots of water and snowy mountains in the background.  It was a freezing cold day, about 8C!!!!

James, Alex and Chris in front of Native Canadian totem-poles.

A view of the city of Vancouver

Room service at the Sheraton in Vancouver

On Tuesday 30th April, we flew from Vancouver to Montreal.  This took 5 hours.  My daddy had a conference in Montreal and this is why we stopped over on our way to London.  We stayed at a place called the Holiday Inn.  In Montreal, everybody spoke French!  People never minded speaking to you in English though. 
We had a really interesting time in Montreal.  We visited many museums and interesting places.  On our first day, Mummy, Alex and I caught a train on the underground railway - called the Montreal Metro.  It went very fast, I felt like I was time-travelling!! 
Riding the Montreal Metro (underground train!)
We caught Metro to the Biodome.  The Biodome was huge artificial habitat!  The four different habitats were: a rainforest, a maple forest, a marine habitat and a sub-artic habitat.  These are the main habitats of Canada.  We liked it so much that we went through twice!
The Biodome in Montreal

 We also went to the Insectarium, which was a big place with lots of insect displays, including some very large, live tarantulas!!!!
The Insectarium in Montreal

A very colourful beetle display!

Snow!  The remains of a spring snow-storm
just outside the Insectarium.

On our last day in Montreal, we met up with Daddy's work friend called JP (real name John Paul Gune).  JP showed us around the old part of Montreal.  We went to the Montreal Museum of Science.  We saw a shark exhibition and looked at the science displays.
Outside the Montreal Museum of Science

Shark exhibition

Making a "bubble force-field"

Generating electricity
I was using my mind to move a ball.
The streets of Montreal

The last place we visited was an underground Museum.  It was a museum built on an archaeological excavation.  It told the story of Montreal for the last 400 years.  It was fun and interesting!
The Museum of Archaeology in Montreal - an underground drainage system.

Excavating artefacts!

When we left Montreal, we realised we left Teddo (my favourite, favourite Teddy Bear) behind at the Holiday Inn.  Even though Daddy rang and emailed the hotel, nobody could find him.  It made me feel very sad.

Arriving in London, Ontario. 
When we first arrived in London, we stayed at a place called the Lamp Lighter Inn, while we set up our new house.  The Lamp Lighter Inn had a really cool pool with a water slide in a huge Atrium.

I will tell you more about my life in London in my next posting.